The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85730   Message #1594187
Posted By: greg stephens
31-Oct-05 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shakespeare: Henry Neville?
Subject: RE: BS: Shakespeare: Henry Neville?
I ahve worked in theatre for 40 years. When you read Shakespeare, it is difficult to credit the amount of genius that can make someone write so much so beautifully. But in these theories that someone else wrote them, we are generally being asked to believe that someone with no knowledge of theatre caould have come up with this prodigious output of stunning plays. And that, as McGrath and others have pointed out, stretches the imaginaton just a bit too far. I can believe someone who knew theatre could have been wonderfully talentd enough to write these plays; I think it is beyond the realms of possibility that some aristocratic amateur could have been both that practical and that poetic.
    So for me, it's got to be either Shakespeare, or another contemporary theatre practitioner, in London, also called William Shakespeare(sp?).