The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85850   Message #1594463
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
31-Oct-05 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim Violence
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim Violance
OK, let's suppose I do have my own belief system, and it includes the following precepts:
1) Women are inferior to men. They should always walk behind me and be kept completely enshrouded in cloth so that they won't be contaminated by outsiders.
2)I believe that a Mighty Power listens to everything I say, and tells me what I should do, up to and including destroying people who disagree with my beliefs. In fact, if I fail to do what this Mighty Power instructs, red men with horns will punish me with fire.
3)Acting through a middle-aged man in a robe, the Mighty Power converts Merlot wine to sacred blood and Premium saltines to sacred flesh with a simple incantation.
4)I wear sacred undergarments which protect my purity.
5)If I die in the act of destroying those who disagree with me, I win instant admission to Heaven for myself and all the members of my family PLUS I receive 19 "dark-eyed virgins".
6)There are people living near me who are so spiritually filthy that even their slightest touch might contaminate me. I believe they should all be permanently marked for easy identification.

How do you like my personal belief system? It really should pose no problem for you, Little Hawk, unless you are a) a woman b) spiritually unclean or c) disagree with me.

Now, if any individual exhibited these beliefs and practices, he would at the least be thought insane, and at the most be imprisoned because of the threat he posed to others. In fact, these are beliefs held by several major religions. Are you saying because these beliefs are institutionalized, recorded in sacred texts and supposedly handed down by a Mighty Power, that beliefs and behaviors intolerable in an individual are acceptable in a group?

Granted Little Hawk, you and I are probably not insane or dangerous. We do not believe that those who disagree with us are hell-bound, Satanic, or out to corrupt and destroy our children. We are open to different ideas. Hell, we are so tolerant and open-minded that we even think homicidal self-righteous fundamentalist maniacs have a right to their own opinion.
And I don't think that most Muslims or Christians are maniacs, just the ones who view the world in terms of us and them, good and evil, God and Satan. Just the true believers who follow the letter of the book. And because true belief necessitates the decision "I am following the right precepts and the true path as mandated by God" ,other paths are wrong, false, and mandated by Satan. There is no place in Osama's, nor in Pat Robertson's, world for your concept of God.