The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85440   Message #1594806
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
01-Nov-05 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: Catholic Priest clears his chest
Subject: RE: Catholic Priest clears his chest
I never thought that I would find myself agreeing with any of the opinions expressed by Keith, but I do in this case.

Ahmed, you state as fact that the average Brit is anti Irish, then go on to point out that not every Irishman is born with a gun in his hand.

Can you really not see the inconsistency of those two statements?

You are making a wild, and unprovable generalisation about one side, and refuting a similar generalisation about the other.

You have no real knowledge or evidence to support your anti Irish claim, and equally there is nothing to suggest that the majority of the Irish hate Brits.

It is far more likely that the hatred exists in the extremist minority in both communities, and the rest just want all this enmity to go away.

It is this sort of comment that prevents the dialogue that would make that happen. The past is past, and it is the future that should exercise the minds of both sides, but this cannot happen until we stop pointing out the evil in one another, and start talking about what we can do together now.

Don T.