I play Hohner Golden Melodies or Marine Band. The Goldne Melodies have a clean full sound and last forever. The Marine Bands have a great sound as well, but I can't keep the wood for long. It swells and shrinks and ultimately wears out the harp.
I am not an accomplished musician on the cross harp stuff, but I play straight harp pretty well. I use a vocal mic, on the stand when I play. I cup my hands around the harp, opening and closing for volume and tonal effect - even for cross harp tunes, though I do less of that for cross harp.
I have run across an astounding harp player in Dallas, who appears at some the places I play. I never caught his name, but he is a world class player; excellent cros harp for blues, folk, country, and clean, perfect incredibly complex for classical pieces. I know he plays with some famous harp trio, and I can see why. My other harp hero is my Dad. He is not a musician, by musician standards. But he has played beautifully for many years .... a number of songs from his tradition. When I was a child, there was one time in our house when peace was guaranteed; it was when my Dad was playing his harmonica. As soon as he finished the hustle and bustle (or the battles) would resume!