The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85922   Message #1596653
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
03-Nov-05 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: Recreating versus memorizing a song
Subject: RE: Recreating versus memorizing a song
Gee, Peace, my Websters Dictionary spells it "humor." Maybe they spell it humour in Canada. I've always been lousy with foreign languages.

Hey, Art; The problem with communicating is that we have to use words. In the context of this thread, the emphasis has seemed to be on rewriting songs. I do believe that we all make the songs our own, in one way or another. It happens through time. But, it happens for me (and you I think) in a more organic way... as we live with a song, and are playful as we play it, we find ways that we change a line, or a chord progression or a rhythm. I have never tried to imitate anyone else, and I don't believe that you have either. I have never had the desire, patience or gift to sit down in front of a machine and try to reproduce a song the way it was recorded. But, I think that there is an essence to a song that you assimilate through time as you let it become a part of you. It's not as much a conscious decision to rewrite a song as it is to put on the song and let it fit you.

Somewhere in all these words, I'm trying to express my appreciation and respect for the old songs. If I make them mine by changing the accompaniment, shortening a line (in order to be able to get it out)and combining verses from more than one version, it's still the same song in my mind and heart... like your old rifle that you've had for years, even though you've replaced the lock, stock and barrel.

I know your love for the old songs even exceeds mine, Art. While they may evolve in the way that we perform them, we want to carry them on.
