The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85995   Message #1597234
Posted By: ranger1
04-Nov-05 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ask Karen
Subject: RE: BS: Ask Karen
Is cat in one of the food groups?

Because doneness and safety cannot be judged by color, it is very important to use a meat thermometer when cooking ground beef. To be sure all harmful bacteria are destroyed, cook all ground beef products to an internal temperature of 160 °F throughout. Ground beef can be pink inside after it is safely cooked. The pink color can be due to a reaction between the oven heat and myoglobin, which causes a red or pink color. It can also occur when vegetables containing nitrites are cooked along with the meat. Color of Meat and Poultry

How did she get from cat to ground beef? Oh, wait, I really don't want to know...