The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85962   Message #1597252
Posted By: GUEST,DB
04-Nov-05 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: prince charles....
Subject: RE: BS: prince charles....
The original poster to this thread seems a little confused - but then he's not alone. As a UK citizen (sorry, that should be 'subject' of Her Majesty)I tend to side with the view that says that the Monarchy is an outdated institution overdue for reform. I also see Prince Charles as a traditionalist - nevertheless, I agree with a lot of his views! Many aspects of the modern world are pretty shitty and it needs to be said loudly and clearly. We seem to be trapped in a situation in which all change is automatically seen as 'good' - even though many changes are about making the rich richer, at the expense of the poor, and degrading the environmment.
As for Camilla, whatever the moral issues involved, I am enraged at the blatant and rampant sexism that any mention of her name brings out. Her appearance is totally irrelevant to any discussion of her and Charles's moral position. Camilla looks to me like a perfectly normal, middle-aged woman and should not be subjected to vile insults. The foul gutter press is responsible for this disgusting attitude and we should not seek to emulate them (or read their filthy rags, for that matter).
Finally, a word about the world of Islam. This is an ancient civilisation which has contributed much to the world. It is also a fierce, warrior religion, born in the deserts of the Middle East, and hence shares many characteristics with Christianity and Judaism. Like the last two religions it is very prone to outbreaks of intolerance and fanaticism. As well as elevating certain individuals to near god-like status (kings, queens, princes etc.) we in the (nominally) Christian West don't appear to have ever got over our terror of Islam and seem determined to make war on it. This, like monarchism, is a curious, atavistic hangover from the Middle Ages. These tensions have been greatly exacerbated by the fact that the Middle East overlies vast reserves of oil.
I wonder if 'we' in the West weren't so determined to use up most of this oil whether or not the, largely Muslim, peoples of the Middle East would have been quite so ready to squander it and warm the atmosphere with its combustion products?