The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86032   Message #1597449
Posted By: GUEST,*daylia*
04-Nov-05 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: Private music teachers - your policies?
Subject: Private music teachers - your policies?
I'm curious about how other Catters who teach music privately deal with last-minute cancellations and missed lessons. What are your policies?

I don't think my own policies are unreasonable! Missed lessons are charged the regular fee and made up at a mutually convenient time - as long as I've been given reasonable notice (ie 24 hrs). If the student cannot or will not make up the lesson, it is forfeit. I am flexible do often make exceptions to this, in cases of family emergencies, sudden illness or inclement weather. And course if I must cancel for any reason, the lesson is credited to the following month (if it can't be made up).

I've always informed parents, in writing, of my studio policies at the beginning of each term but I still find, even after 30 years of teaching! - that a lot of people ignore it and simply deduct the tuition fees for lessons they plan to miss (for any reason whatsoever!) from their monthly tuition fees.

Unfortunately, this happens with even the sweetest, most talented, hardworking and promising of youngsters - the very students I HATE to let go of for $$$ reasons!   :-(   And it's strange - I've noticed it's usually the wealthiest families - the ones who can afford to take those 3-week Caribbean cruises right after Xmas for example - who are the least respectful of my studio policies.

Consequently, I figure I lose, on average, about $1000/year in unpaid fees for missed lessons. This means I usually can't afford to take vacations myself. Also, I spend a LOT of time trying to reschedule lessons missed for what I consider to be trivial reasons - "forgetting", parties, too much homework, basketball tryouts, even "she doesn't want to get out of the hot tub right now" (believe me, after all these years I really hope I've heard 'em all!)

Am I missing something vital in this regard? How do you handle missed lessons/cancellations? I'd love some new ideas ...

thanks, daylia