The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1597685
Posted By: Bobert
04-Nov-05 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Well, Arne, where were you when we needed you here... That was during the run up to the invasion of Iraq... Seems 'bout half a dozen of us holed up in the Alamo and fought our barins out against the ever steady beat of war-mongers...

Wish you had been here to wrestle with Teribus... No, not thjat feeble Teribus wantabee that been 'round here lately but the real one.... Teribus would wear us out with long homework assignments... I eventually quit doing them when I figgured he was just tryin' to keep us busy so we wouldn't be rantin' against Bush's stupid thirst for war...

Anyway, glad to have you 'round... These Bushites think they have reduced Amos and me into some kind of joke... Yeah, they revel inattackin' us and it has become a little game with them so, hey, at least there's a new target fir them... Sometimes that's all it takes is a new target...

But, hey, we done fought off a lot of 'um that don't come 'round no more 'cause they have been badlyy embaressed... That's good but it's also bad... Tghe remainin' ones are the real "true believers" who are beyonf independant thought or reasonin'... If Bush said tomorrow that the only way to fight the bird flu was to immunize ones own self was havin' sex with a chicken, these folks would be sneakin' into hen houses all accross America...
