The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85850   Message #1598254
Posted By: CarolC
05-Nov-05 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim Violence
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim Violence
Quoting "David Ben-Gurion - 1936" is hardly relevant to events in 1967. Likewise quoting Moshe Dayan - May, 1955.

It's completely relevant because it is evidence of the expansionist agenda that the people who eventually became the architects of the State of Israel, and the the Israeli government have had since before Israel was a country. Several of the other quotes I provided support this as well.

Your reference to the "Le Monde" article of June 3, 1972. Yitzhak Rabin does not state that the threat could be ignored, remember my reference to the similarity with Wellington and Churchill.

People keep saying that Israel was forced to wage a first-strike war against other countries in 1967 because it faced the threat of annihilation by those countries. And in this particular thread, they are using it to support their contention that "the Muslims" want all Jews dead. The quotes I provided show that this was clearly not the case, and that Israel never considered itself to be under the threat of annihilation by Muslims in the period leading up to the 1967 war. Whether or not Israel had any legitimate reasons for starting that war is a different matter, and one that the other quotes in my last post address. Israel started the war for the purpose of increasing the size of its territory.

And this was stated in 1972, six years after the Israeli victory, not quite at the time as you referred to it as.

I never said it was stated at the time of the Six-day War. I said it was stated by someone who was high ranking member of the Israeli military at the time of the Six-Day War. I didn't specify when he said it. The Syrian issue was addressed by other quotes that I provided in my last post.

By the way CarolC it was not primarily the military threat of troops on the border that threatened Israel but the closing of the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Aquaba(Sp?) that posed the real danger to Israel.

Israel was attempting to divert water resources from at least two Middle Eastern countries at that time, Egypt and I believe Jordan being those two (I'll have to check to see if there were others). Egypt's closing of the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Aqba was in response to this aggression on the part of Israel. Israel was trying to bait Arab countries to go to war with it. At least two of the quotes I have provided show that this is true.

"Even the Israeli military and some of it's former prime ministers say Israel wasn't in any real danger from Egypt or Jordan (or anyone else). In fact, one very high ranking member of the Israeli military AT THE TIME OF THE SIX DAY WAR says it's an insult to the Israeli military to try to suggest otherwise."


Nice attempt to use a mischaracterization of what I said to try to score points though.