The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1598400
Posted By: Bobert
05-Nov-05 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Well, gol danged nice fish pic... Is that a salt water fish??? Must me wid them colors....

Ahhh, no offense intended on the "Where were you..." comment... It was made to be complimentary...

Yeah, Teribus certainly had the inte3llect to challenge all of us and I owe a lot to him fir his pushin' us even further, though on occasiuon, his tactics could be qutie irritatin'...

But, overall, he sho nuff was fun wrestlin' with...

The problem with Mudcat is that no-one stepped in to replace him... Yeah, a bunch of wantabee name-caller's but nuthin' too stimulatin'

Heck, I presented a purdy well thought out and well researched question to this GUEST A and all I got was the usual namecallin' and attack response???

Hey, Teribus wouldn't have given up so easilly...

Not that GUEST A 'er Old Guy are bad folks, just kinda lazy...

Where's the real Teribus when we need him???

Last I heard he was gettin' married... See what them womenz can do to a man???

Ahhhh, nevermind that last comment...
