The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86026   Message #1598471
Posted By: dianavan
05-Nov-05 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Paris Immigrant?Riots
Subject: RE: BS: Paris Immigrant?Riots
"put enough unemployed people in a ghetto" is not quite the right expression, I agree. Maybe its because the only places that immigrant people can afford to live, are the poorest parts of town. I think people who have similar backgrounds do find security with others who share a common language, customs and beliefs and therefore like to live within reach. I have also noticed that once they become established and gain affluence, they move out of their old neighborhoods as fast as possible.

Lets not forget, France made a law forbidding school girls from covering their heads, according to their religion. That in itself, could be seen as oppressive. I'm sure if France would go so far as to forbid scarves, the society is capable of all kinds of discrimination. Isn't this recent riot really about discrimination?