The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86026   Message #1598780
Posted By: dianavan
06-Nov-05 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Paris Immigrant?Riots
Subject: RE: BS: Paris Immigrant?Riots
Yes, greg, I would have hid from the Crusaders but I still don't think that is the same as school girls wearing scarves. You are absolutely right when you say that it depends on the context. Why would anyone be intimidated by girls wearing scarves?

In Canada, even our R.C.M.P. are allowed to wear their Sikh headresses. In school, the boys also keep their hair covered. Yes, it identifies them as part of a religious group. So what? Christians wear crosses, too. Our Muslim girls also wear scarves. I don't see it as a problem.

The problem is discrimination against a religous minority.

Therefore, the riots.