The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86026   Message #1599205
Posted By: Piers
07-Nov-05 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Paris Immigrant?Riots
Subject: RE: BS: Paris Immigrant?Riots
Religion or ethnicity is not the main issue, it is poverty. The centralised political structure and localised extremes of poverty in the 'projects' means that political alleviation of their condition is impossible. Unemployment and minimal wage unskilled employment means that alleviating their condition through collective action in the workplace is difficult. So it should not be a surprise that they resort to rioting. I think it will either blow over or be crushed by the police or military, then the government will congratulate themselves on restoring 'order' whilst diverting funds to the affected areas to appease them and quell any further disturbances.