The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86104   Message #1599501
Posted By: GUEST,Sacha
07-Nov-05 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: Advice to organize a tour
Subject: RE: Advice to organize a tour
Thanks to all of you !

GREG, they are not really professionals, they all have part-time jobs, and I'd say the purpose would be : to get themselves better known. So if we could just manage to get some money to cover the costs, it would be fine, plus they might sell cds and t-shirts after each gig, that would be extra money...

GUEST and WYSIWYG and OPEN MIKE, I would do it just for fun, I wouldn't want to charge them for the time spent or phone calls, petrol for the car, etc...

As musicians, what do you expect from the organizer ? I would also like to read about things you experienced that haven't crossed my mind yet.
