The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1599626
Posted By: GUEST
07-Nov-05 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Dance, dance, dance, GuestA. What's next, Clinton's @enis?

You seem bound and determined to avoid the fact the Dubya's maladministration has been one huge fustercluck from beginning to end, and that the most severe, most significant, and most horrifying has been the squandering of an additional 2000 American lives in the Iraqian quagmire, after blowing it on the intelligence and reading "My Pet Goat" while people jumped to their deaths from a burning building.

Why? I just want to know why you cling so stubbornly to your incompetent "hero". There's no rational reason for it, so see if you can explain what it is that you think the Preznit's done so good at, to make up for the many obvious mistakes, outright blunders, and criminal corruption and cronyism.....
