The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1600158
Posted By: Don Firth
08-Nov-05 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
GUEST 07 Nov 05 - 08:44 PM, congratulations! You have just managed to add several orders of magnitude to the concept of "cowardly sleaze-ball."

Since you have nothing else, you use veiled accusations and innuendoes to attack the person who started and maintains this thread. Unable to come up with anything that can refute the messages he posts, you think you can solve your problems by killing the messenger. This give a pretty good example of the ethical level of many of the more outspoken supporters of the Bush administration, and also the ethical level on which the Bush administration itself to operates. And they talk about "moral values! It's enough to make any person with a sense of decency up-chuck!!

Well, it ain't gonna work! It's been used too often and it's become downright predictable. Obviously, you are a disciple of Karl Rove. People like you are disgusting!

Crawl back under your rock with the others of your species.

Don Firth