The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85795   Message #1600486
Posted By: akenaton
09-Nov-05 - 04:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Live and let live?
Subject: RE: BS: Live and let live?
As an example of a "dangerous" leader.

Today Blair attempts to introduce internment without trial to the UK.
A dangerous ploy to use terrorist scare tactics, not for party political advantage, but for personal advantage.

Whether Blair wins or loses todays vote , he will portray the opposition (both left and right ) as being "soft on terrorism".

Theis legislation is a real danger to our civil liberties, not just potential "wrong doers" but every one of us who wish to protest over any domestic matter.
It will also be counter productive as a deterrent to terrorism, as was proved in Northern Ireland.

The most dangerous man in Britain is not a "mad Mullah", but our mad Prime Minister...Ake