The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72516   Message #1600773
Posted By: GUEST,Cobell
09-Nov-05 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: A Martin or a Gibson?
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson?
My Brother bought the Martin 16GTR a few months back, it's darn fine instrument, not see a Gibson acoustic for a long time though, I'm not really that keen on them, however, you can not beat a 2nd hand British Hand Made acoustic like a Fylde, I have one,and I'll take a pepsi challange with it against ANY Martin or Gibson any day of the week no sweat! in fact, I was asked to exchange it for a near new brand new Martin on a straight swap last September, it took me less than a second to refuse the offer, the guy was gutted,,and still is!