The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76215   Message #1601496
Posted By: Rapparee
10-Nov-05 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: good ideas about sharp knives
Subject: RE: good ideas about sharp knives
Wash ANY cutting board with hot water and soap after EACH use and every month or so wipe it down with chlorine bleach (rinse it off really well no matter what you use, of course).

Recently I was slicing round steak into thin strips, cutting at about a 60 degree angle. Yup, you sure can cut yourself with a sharp knife. And the next day I cut myself on the edge of a colleague's desk, too.

You can do a lot of things, but some of 'em ya gotta work at.

The size of the knife you use depends upon the job at hand. But sharp is always good.

Anyone know of a really good bread knife? A knife designed for cutting bread, not simply a long, serrated, blade?