The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76215   Message #1601722
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
10-Nov-05 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: good ideas about sharp knives
Subject: RE: good ideas about sharp knives
JohninKansas, I have had guests look at the carbon knives I use, and tell me they are dangerous, not because of cuts, but because they look dirty- they must harbor bacteria! So much for most peoples' knowledge of knives.
I see lots of Gustave ... in use by butchers here.

Rapaire, I have two good bread knives, both about 8 inches long (any shorter and it is hard to cut diagonally). I just checked them to see what they are.
One is a cheaper Henckels ('Superfection') and the other is a Cook & Clark made in Sheffield, from a garage sale. I think it is a cheapie, but it works well. The size of the serration and number per inch are important; in a kitchen drawer I have some that are terrible although they were sold as bread knives.