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Thread #62901   Message #1601749
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
10-Nov-05 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Guest,A: Don't disregard the fact that both states went Dem 4 years ago and the following election saw an increase in Repub control in Washington. Sorry to bother you with the truth.

"You want the truth? You can't handle the truth.

There's a few more 2X4s of reality here and here and here and here. In fact, just a long, long string of bad news for the Dubya maladministration and the Republican Rich People's Party.

Guest,A quotes (cut-n-paste) Melissa Pehle: She [Barbara Streisand] is proclaiming that President Bush should be impeached not for anything he did, but rather for the actions of someone who is in his administration. Not even someone who works directly under or with him, but someone who works with the Vice President.

Not true. For one, Libby was "Assistant to the President" as well as Cheney's COS. And Dubya knew about the leaks and that Libby and Rove were involved in the leaks, and despite his promise to do so, didn't do anything to reprimand them, much less fire them, for their actions.

Furthermore, Streisand and many others think that Dubya should be impeached not for Libby's (and Rove's) sleazy actions, but rather for his prosecution of an unjust and immoral war based on clearly false premises and based on Dubya and his maladministration's lies about the war. Sure, some of the goofups may have been incompetence, neglect, or other such 'excuses' for f***ing the pooch completely, but even if so, they were criminal incompetence and criminal neglect, and resulted in the lives of thousands being lost. And then, you RW types set the bar pretty damn low for impeachment, didn't you?

Melissa Pehle continutes blathering on: Let's put that in layman's terms. How would that play out in the every day life of an American citizen? That means that if you are a supervisor at any level you should lose your job if any employee under you, whether you hired them or not, committed a wrongful act.

In Japan, the bosses have been known to commit sepuku when the company f***s up. But even here, there's the principle of respondeat superior. You are responsible for what your company does (particularly when they do it on your bidding, as is probably the case here). But I guess this excuse-making by Melissa (repeated by Guest,A) is the Republican interpretation du jour of "taking responsibility".... Pathetic.

Pehle once again: Have any of you worked with someone who was fired for stealing and were totally surprised by that as you'd thought they were totally trustworthy. Or how about a trusted friend who stole from your home, or abused your child? It's not like you would have opened your home to them if you thought they would do a thing like that, would you?

Ummm, Guest,A: Dubya isn't firing miscreants, he's giving them Presidential Medals of Freedom!!! "You're doing a heck of a job" Brownie is still drawing a salary from FEMA ... care to explain why we're giving him more money rathe rthan demanding that he pay us back the salary we already gave him for work he didn't do?

Oh and, Guest,A, nice to see you dragging the rotting corpse of the Whitewater 'investigation' in here. What's next, Clinton's p&n!$?

And Guest,A: TownHall and WorldNetDaily are RW screech machines, funnels for the RNC "spin". You really need to move a few shelves down from the Fiction&Fantasy section down to the Current Events and Non-fiction shelves. You might learn a few things before it all comes crashing down on you and you get pushed to the brink of suicide by the enormity of it all. See, e.g., some of my links above, and take your head out of the sand....

Just a word to the wise, oh Mr. "Guest,A".
