The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86218   Message #1602289
Posted By: Rapparee
11-Nov-05 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Archeological notions
Subject: RE: BS: Archeological notions
Sorry, but I think that my ancestors were smart enough to build Stonehenge, the pyramids, the Great Wall, and all the rest of it -- including those figures in the Peruvian desert or wherever they are -- all by themselves. No help from extraterrestials, Ancient Ones, the Earl of Oxford, Jahweh, Isis, Harvey, Osiris, George Bush, Ishtar, Atlanteans or Charlie's Aunt, all by themselves!

As for the mounds in the Lower Mississippi being for storm surge protection -- how do you then explain similar mounds at Cahokia or the mounds up the Ohio? St. Louis and Cincinnati (not to mention Wisconsin) are rarely bothered with hurricans or storm surges.