The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16899   Message #160237
Posted By: Clinton Hammond2
09-Jan-00 - 01:09 AM
As a newish catter Id' first like to say that I don't htink I've run across any posts that I found offencive... That said however I'd like to throw in my 0.02 on this topic... this approach has worked well at other MB's I've been known to frequent...

When a thread or message is offensive to you, the best thing can possibly be done is ignore it completely... In extream circumstances, the site moderators can be notified and the offensive party can be blocked from the site...

The other thing that can be done in less drastic cases... learn the names of the people who's posting style bothers you, and simply don't read thier posts...

Not that I'm trying to tell anyone what to do.. just sharing what experience has taught...

The othere side to this topic is this.. one is forced to admit that the 'net' is not a static beast... things change at an alarming pace in cyberspace... Change cna't possible please everyone... as a matter of fact I find internet change simply seems to be a matter of sinking to the lowest denominator... Sorta that chain and weakest link thing...

Again... just my 0.02