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Thread #62901   Message #1602505
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
11-Nov-05 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Americans have seen thru yer boy's bullsh*t just as folks hwere have seen thru yers..

Yeah, the latest polls, here and here (this last one from Faux Snooze even), continue to document the death spiral of the Dubya maladministration. Dubya's losing ground weekly in every measure of his preznitsy, security, defence, economy, honesty, approval, and on down the line.

Old Guy: The problem is the same for Democrats and others who contend that this war was dishonestly sold to the American public by the Bush Administration, with the help of a submissive press that was afraid to ask the tough questions.


Old Guy: They used the same sources available to Miller.

You mean our "agent from Iran" Chalabi??? Nope, not me. I've posted above a link to where I stated before the war that Chalabi and his thugs were con-men or worse. And I was not alone in that; even Clinton's administration cut him off for corruption and untrustworthiness (the Dubya maladministration reversed this).

Yes, there were some Dems that reacted to the misinformation and slanted "intelligence" (since proved to be "garbage, garbage, and more garbage") fed to them. Yes, they were too trusting of the maladministration ... or gullible ... or politically spineless. But that's really no problem for any one of them that, like Edwards the other day, steps up and admits the mistake and takes responsibility for their acts. But that is something you won't ever see Dubya do, and it's something the Republicans won't do ... until they start seeing the writing on the wall, and decide that they're going down faster than the Titanic unless they jump ship. I'd note that it was a similar tectonic shift, when Republicans put their finger up in the wind, that spelled doom for Nixon's stonewall and led to his disgrace....

Old Guy: What's more, the intelligence agencies of allied countries all agreed that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was a threat because of its possession and development of WMD.

Not sure I agree with your claim here. In fact I doubt it. Because the U.N. Security Council was 8-5 against Dubya's "Operation Iraqi Liberation" in the leadup to the war (and after the inspectors had reported dismal findings). But even if they were, this is the fallacy of "argument from [claimed] authority", which hardly changes the actual facts. And when people like me, reading papers and surfing the net, could get it right (as well as Congressmen like Kucinich and other brave Democrats), you have to ask why we should find any comfort in lots of people gettiung things wrong. If they were wrong, we ought to fire their a$$es as well, but that hardly makes Dubya any the less stoopid (or dishonest).
