The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86222   Message #1602794
Posted By: Azizi
11-Nov-05 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: has any1 REALLY found their soulmate yet
Subject: RE: BS: has any1 REALLY found their soulmate yet
Thank you Jerry for your comments.

I'm not sure if it is appropriate to do so, but I'm going to take the liberty to re-post a comment that you made on an earlier Mudcat thread since I consider those comment to be pertinent to this discussion:

Subject: RE: BS: What Love Really Is
From: Jerry Rasmussen - PM
Date: 05 Aug 05 - 07:24 AM

That's a beautiful story. If you want to know whether it's love or just infatuation or romance, fast forward a couple of years when the couple has struggled through the reality of living love on a daily basis, with all of it's disappointments and demands. Real love is a commitment to another person that requires giving when you feel like taking, forgiving when you feel like getting even, being patient when you are sick of waiting, trying to understand someone when they do something that makes no sense to you.... love requires humility, generosity, sacrifice and hard work. Romance comes easy. Most divorces began with what we call love.

But, if you give yourself to it completely, the blessings are beyond anything you could imagine.

Still learning...



And so am I.