The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82879   Message #1602863
Posted By: Bobert
11-Nov-05 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Glad to see yer goina work on it, GUEST... You need lots of work... I'd suggest Dr. Phil....

As fir me, I'm "Mister Positive n' Upbeat".... Don't believe me??? Check out "Page News and Courier" (Luray, Va.), Vol 138, No. 35" which came out on October 1st 'er 2nd of this year... Piccure of me on the front page talkin' about the old hotel I bought in town and am going to restore.... Nice article... Worth the few minutes to google it up...

But (WARNIN'), if you think I'm a negative person, better strap on yer seat belts before reading the article...

Just negatibe about stupid policies an', unfortuneatly, Bush has 'um runnin' over....

That don't make me nagative... I wakwe up every day thinkin' how I can improve my life and that of my neighbors....

Tell ya what, GUEST.... Get a real name an' I'll give you the names of a couple farmers in this holler where I live that will be glad to tell ya personally what kinda person I am... and it negative....
