The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86104   Message #1603074
Posted By: GUEST,Sacha
12-Nov-05 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: Advice to organize a tour
Subject: Advice to organize a tour
Leeneia, in a way, it would be "my" country since part of the tour would include the French West Indies, but I understand what you mean. Also it would be easier if they didn't have to bring a lot of equipment. I talked to a musician a few weeks ago, his brother living here had organized his tour, and he's not a regular agent, just a musician himself. He said 5 gigs covered his expenses, etc...and things like that, it didn't seem to be too difficult. Right now I'm just trying to make as many contacts as I can.

You're all a great help with all the ideas !
