The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82879   Message #1603413
Posted By: Bobert
12-Nov-05 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
No, GUEST, don't make me feel one bit better to get on Bush about his policies but it is his policies I have problems with... Lotta folks think that I hate Bush... No, I can't say I'm capable of hatin' anyone... Maybe I am but I ain't met anyone yet that I can say I hate... Yeah, I hate some of their actions... That's were Bush come into play... Actually, I don't think Bush has a clue since he is overly dependent on other folks to make policy.... I feel sorry fir him...

But, hey, I come here a couple times a day and vent against what I see as dumb policy... If I went about my business like Bush I would fail... In my real life I understand that I need the entire community behind me and that's why I choose to do my rantin' here.... Over the last 20 years I have organized more communtiy stuff with Repubs than Dems 'er Greens so I know how to live with Repubs... Hey, yeah, they know I'm a Green but guess waht??? If it comes down to gettin' somethjin' done in the communtiy, I'z the guy they want in charge...

Sorry you couldn't find the article... It was good 'un an' the piccure weren't too hatefull considerin' that I had just finished playing two long sets at the Luray Farmer's Market...
