The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16903 Message #160469
Posted By: Allan S.
09-Jan-00 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: Indian Neck Memories
Subject: RE: Indian Neck Memories
Someone said it is by invite only so I did't even try. Sourdough you must be an old Yalie We have had Yale Hoot Reunions twice a year for the past few years. I also have tapes of the old Indian neck Fests I made at that time. Interested???? I am in touch with Garry Audette, Frank Collin Geo Buchannan, Harvey Blau, Steve Gilford, To mention a few, Lots more, to many to type in. What is the best way for you to contact me????? or me you Any chance to put the two together for some sort of a bash???????? Allan S