The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86370   Message #1605617
Posted By: Dave'sWife
15-Nov-05 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
OK.. her'es a fabulous article I found that explains this nonesne and bear with me pasting it, it's useful. I only quote the first half. the second half talks about the huge financial benefits of writing about, and catering to Indigo Children and their wanna-beleive parents needs.

here ya go:

INDIGO - The Color of MONEY

by Lorie Anderson

Many are excited about the upcoming New Age movie, "Indigo," written, produced, and directed by three renowned individuals who now live in Ashland - James Twyman, Neale Donald Walsch, and Stephen Simon. Appealing are the career opportunities, the camaraderie of movie-making, the promoting of spirituality and messages of peace and love. Promoters say it will stimulate the local economy and help our schools. But after examining the Indigo Child movement, and specifically the activities of co-writer/producer James Twyman, I see potential consequences for the community -- and for children.


The Indigo Child concept was first popularized by the book, "The Indigo Child," written by the husband and wife team Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. Carroll also portrays himself as a channeler for "Kryon," a spiritual entity who predicted the coming of the Indigo Children - will wonders never cease?

The authors say that "the Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before." For example, they act like royalty, have difficulty with absolute authority unless given choices or explanations, are easily frustrated (e.g. when waiting in line), are not shy, have difficulty with guilt-based discipline, are non-conformist, may seem antisocial and prefer to be with their own kind, and may have social difficulties in school. I, for one, see nothing new, unusual, or unheard-of here.

The Indigo Child concept may appeal especially to parents of children with mental health challenges, e.g. ADD, ADHD, autism, bi-polar disorder, conduct disorder, or a difficult temperament. Proponents target these label- and medication-wary parents. So, what is the harm in giving parents a positive spin on their children for a change -- like Indigo?

Besides parents possibly foregoing beneficial, if not life-saving, treatment for children with mental or neurological disorders, some proponents of the Indigo movement infuse children with a false sense of human superiority and a bizarre paranormal identity. Mutilating science while claiming scientific proof, children are led to believe by trusted adults that they were born members of a new breed of the human race, the next step in human evolution, that their genes were somehow altered -- perhaps as a result of divine or extraterrestrial intervention, or spontaneous genetic mutation accomplished by non other than the children themselves. Some children come to believe they are endowed with extraordinary powers such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, healing powers, pre-birth and previous life recall, etc. Tober and Carroll tell us that Indigo Children don�t fit in and feel uncomfortable when not with other Indigos. Small wonder!

Similar to the Indigo Child model, you may hear about The New Children, The Masters, Ascending Children, Star Children, Crystal or Chrystalline Children, Metagifted Children, Millennium Children, Children of the New Dream, Children of the New Times, Children of Aids (genetically altered child beings who are immune to all disease), and Super Psychic Children, etc. James Twyman seems to prefer the terms Children of Oz or Psychic Children (and as of 10/2003, "The Mystic Children").

Go HERE for the rest of this very good article