The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16903 Message #160562
Posted By: Allan Schwartz
09-Jan-00 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: Indian Neck Memories
Subject: RE: Indian Neck Memories
Sorry Guys I have no interest in dividing anyone from any thing. Just enjoy getting to gether with old friends I have not seen in over 45 years. So you see I am not interested in who did what to who. Pete I tried to find you in the Yale alumni book 1985 ed. no luck tho. I was a townie who went to U-Conn in the 50's but did sing and play at the Hoots. Will try to Find Dave Howard in Waterbury. and contact you through him. Just dont want to put my e-mail address in here as I will probably end up with all sorts of Spam. Are you local to mother Eli?? What town?? could find you what way Allan