The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82879   Message #1606017
Posted By: Bobert
15-Nov-05 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Yeah, my graanie tolt me the same thing... That's why I been ignorin' yer ignorant idiot self lately but guess what??? When I ask these folks the same questions I asked you they will clearly see that I have put together one danged difficult siutation for the Bush administartion to fihgt its way out of...

That's why you went AWOL... Ain't got one danged thing in the friggin' world about me other than I yer butt chackmated and so now I get this crap that you don't wnata debatean idiot???? Haha...

We'll see who is the "idiot"...

You better start doing yer research... I have done mine and have over 100 pages of stuff I've printed up on Katrina... And guess what??? Not one is froma leftie blog... Not one... All is purdy much public information and can be found thru Google...

The probkle with you, GUEST A, isi that either you are falt lazy 'er you can't find some right winged blog that has been financed by some right winged rich guy to defend your posotions...

Like I said, I have the done the hard work and I'm gonna loay it out either tomorrow night or Thusday night and then it wil "Time top Rumble"... Maybe you oughtta spend some time trying to find some right winged blog to defend you 'cause when I bring my stuff, yer gonna need help 'er yer going under...

No brag, just fact...

You know the basics so better spend a little less time grandsatnding and little more time doing what I have done: hit the books, pal...

Like I said, no brag, just fact...
