I've heard many wonderful things about this festival from lots of people, but I have only a few peripheral memories of it.That said, my only connection with Indian Neck was when someone once called me to say they wanted to invite me to this fest. I said, "Good, when is it?" I was free on those dates so I said, "Great---let's do it. I can do it for whatever you generally pay others!?" They answered, "We don't pay. Our attendees pay us to come here."
Well, I was amazed. I'd never heard of a festival that, after calling a performer to invite them to play, charged them to come over 1000 miles to participate. I then said, "This must be a benefit, right? You're in need of financial help? If I can get some gigs around it to help me pay my expenses, I'll be glad to play for nothing---and I do hope that'll help you---but I really can't afford to pay you to allow me to come there after you invited me."
One thing led to another and we both got off the phone a bit spiffed at each other. I was still shaking my head---and I never did get there.
Now I realize after many years, that these good people are just coving the overhead. I know and love many involved in this festival. But the nature of things at Indian Neck didn't come clear for me until Sandy let me in on how things work there. If not for Mr. Paton I'd still be rather befuddled.
Art Thieme