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Thread #86379   Message #1606151
Posted By: dianavan
16-Nov-05 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Govt sponsored torture in Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Govt sponsored torture in Iraq
From the Council on Foreign Relations,

"In the past, the U.S. government has said it opposes the use of unsanctioned militias. But on June 8, Sean McCormack, a State Department spokesman, told reporters that the Iraqi government's growing use of militias "is an Iraqi issue that they will decide and that they will deal with." Last year, the U.S. military fought alongside the Wolf Brigade and other commando units in counterinsurgency operations in Mosul and Samarra. Some experts credit the U.S. military with giving assistance to commando units in the form of money, training, and equipment. "Our policy [in Iraq] is to equip those who are the most effective fighters," says Thomas X. Hammes, a former Marine officer and counterinsurgency expert. "[These commando units] may be a marriage of convenience and ultimately may be absorbed into the army or disbanded."

Your U.S. tax dollars at work.

So much for justice in Iraq.