The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44224   Message #1606287
Posted By: Betsy
16-Nov-05 - 07:23 AM
Thread Name: Who Killed Folk Music?
Subject: RE: Who Killed Folk Music?
I had an illuminating conversation many years ago with a singer, and as I shall attribute / paraphrase some of his comments, but I shall preserve his anonymity and simply call him Bob.
Here in the U.K. he believed that the rise of the folk scene and club, in the 60's gave people a different view of life and values than that propagated by the huge musical industry. We were all a bit bolshy - buoyed-up by the Beatles and Dylan esp. with his "Times are a-changing".
When the festivals came along - due to a dearth in full-time time performers and stars - the people (groups and individuals ) who found themselves able to take time off to perform at the festivals - were generally schoolteachers who were already on holiday in the Summer term.
These schoolteachers became relatively well known and became the "names" to book at the clubs.
They came along to the clubs and sanitised them - no more angry singers and writers, no more weird ideas , songs, swearing ( cussing ) or any behaviour for which a schoolteacher could be criticised by his School superiors.
As such the whole thing lost it's edge, became a bit pseudo intellectual and far too comfortable and institutionalised and in later years is probably the reason why the Folk scene does not attract the younger person.
It's too safe, has no teeth and too reverent to society.
There's no risk or fun in the Folk evening - people tut-tutting when someone sings a Beatle song or uses the F* word even when contained in a really funny joke.
Someone reproducing a Carthy song complete with Martin Cathy's EXACT accent and delivery is loudly applauded. We don't need these mimics and copycats - it is silly. It has all become too Conservative when the scene was built on opposite principles.
All the foregoing shouldn't stop the many of us who are trying to "Gee-up" the system, and, the experience of going to a Folk night, but MC's / Organisers please monitor the performers and ensure that they are not boring and frightening-off your most regular and enthusiastic supporters who bring life and vigour to your Club.
Cheers Betsy