The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86380   Message #1606576
Posted By: Jimmy C
16-Nov-05 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: British Soldiers at it again
Subject: RE: BS: British Soldiers at it again

I noticed that it was not mentioned in Canada also, but that is par for the course.
Did you notice by comparison how much publicity was given to the McCartney case ?.
I guarantee that if details of loyalists had been possibly leaked to the I.R.A. it would have been on the T.V. and every front page in the country.
Although I live in Canada and love the country I am stlll dismayed by the fact that many people in senior positions in the media world appear to be tied to the apron strings of mother England. From reading many Canadian newspapers, especially in the Toronto region I get the impression that ,what to publish and what not to publish is decided by someone who appears to be Pro-unionist, anti-irish, anti-black, in fact anti-everything that is not British.
Anyway this story only augments what I and others have been saying for years, and that is that a certain portion of the loyalist population and the police and the army will do whatever is necessary to make the I.R.A. break the cease -fire.
These days are extremely dangerous for republicans, future elections will show massive gains for Sinn-Fein, both in the north and the republic, unless trouble breaks out again, and republicans have to be determined not to be drawn into conflict with the loyalists, because the blame will be placed on the shoulders of Sinn-Fein/ I.R.A., and that has to avoided at all costs, Strike back through the voting process is the only way to go from here on.