The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86379   Message #1606635
Posted By: GUEST,rarelamb
16-Nov-05 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Govt sponsored torture in Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Govt sponsored torture in Iraq
What you are describing has been committed mostly by those who want to stop the transition to an independent democratic Iraq, not by those who are trying to affect a change to democracy. And most of the points you were making are isolated cases or are dwarfed in relation to the forgone alternative (the US not invading).

"What about the people who are being rounded up daily by the militias , shot through the head and their bodies dumped?"

"What about the torture?

What about the thousands of dead civilians?"

These have been isolated cases and have been primarily the acts of the terrorists in Iraq not the Iraqi government. It has not been Iraqi military/police nor the US that have been using suicide bombers and improvised explosive devices, it has beent the Al Queda and former Baathasist.

"What about the Iraqi women who are now afraid to speak freely wear what they want to and risk death for minor misdemeanors?"

?? Can you support this and provide evidence of it being a wide spread problem caused by the Iraqi interim government? Or the US?

It sounds an aweful like you are accusing the Iraqi government and the US forces of doing ALL of the killing and violence when in reality it is they who are courageously trying to end the horror and establish a functional democracy.