The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86217   Message #1606783
Posted By: Donuel
16-Nov-05 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Veterans (Armistice) Day - unmoderated
Subject: RE: BS: Veterans (Armistice) Day - unmoderated
This veterans day the President did not lay a wreath on the unknown soldier, that task went to Cheney. Instead George went to a military base and ranted about Democrats trying to revise history to make his war look bad. He went on with more political jabs than you can kill a soldier with. Journalists were a bit stunned since a President had never before so blatently delivered such a political speech for veterans day. As usual his sunk costs logic for continuing the war was his centerpiece, "The best way to honor the dead is to finish their mission".

Here are my writings on veterans day

Jim and Bob at the old age home...

Remember the Maine
Main what?
Remember the Alamo?
I thought you had it...
Remember the Revolution

You know Jim If we lived 700 years
instead of 70
Wars would be few

Bob: but Veterans day
would be HUGE


Iraqi oil was there to take
so George was in a hurry.
With a spear from an olive branch
he attacked them full of fury.
Now the pipeline is his
but the plumbing is shot
its full of explosive holes.
The fortune is lost
Despite the lives it has cost
To achieve his desired goals.
What can we show
for a billion a week
Money for CEO's.
Just think what we could have built
with 1 and 15 zeros.
A flood of blood
for a lake of oil
is a trade that's made in hell.
The modern day El Dorado
is just an oil well.
Troops can't guard all
12,000 miles
for the oil to flow.
You may not think much about it
unless it's your time to go.
Think what we could have built
right here at home,
where Conquistadors
tortured natives
in search of El Dorado.


Cheer leading the 6 o'clock news.

Terminate, eliminate
Murder slash and kill
Dispatch, assassinate
Drop a poison pill

Liquidate eradicate
Put them down and quell
Settle a score
Slaughter and gore
Send them straight to hell.

Decimate meet their fate
Slay and take a life
They shuffled off their mortal coil
Far from pain and strife.

Hit , slaughter
Shot their sons and daughters
Take em out
Whack like all the others.

Snuff, stuff,
fatally rape
Decapitate the head of state
Lets all get really tough

Deprive of life, take a ride
Until they've had enough
Up with ultimate sacrifice
Opps they lost their life.

Turn the gun on the crowd
Teach'em for us all
Strafe and bomb
The human race
With precision shock and awe.


Thank heaven for little guerres
For little guerres get bigger every day
Thank heaven for little guerres
They blow up in the most delightful way

every last one
and burn
their ideas
you will find
you're still not done.

what you fear
darkly descends
from the womb
of religion
born again
the son of immortal revenge.

We never call wars

a war anymore.

They are operations.

The careful, skillful,

sterile removal

of infected foreign matter.

We shall call this one


Moment of truth.

Bless the "Father"

the "son"

and the holy roast.

Roses are red
violets are too
In War they're
the color of
blood gore and goo

Good times , End times
As events turn worse
It's too late to learn
If you're breathing the curse
It may be our turn
With sorrow to come
Still the Dark Ages
Were Golden for some

To kill a child
The baby's thrilled to walk
Her eyes surprised
with earthly delight.
I melt with pride at her first free flight.
On TV Dick Cheney chokes
"We'll lose more lives here
than those overseas"
I believe he speaks of disease.
A briefing at work today
would make an athiest pray
I am but bare brittle bone
"Hon, can you put her on the phone?"
An age of conquistadors
When tribes were murdered
9 out of 10 from disease
That cold history, now makes me freeze
In sane times the insane mom
would drown a helpless child.
"Sweetie you're fine" I pretend
Could I watch her agony to the end?
Behind lead eyes I keep secret
If she's a victim
And the crime is small pox
Could I end her torture at all costs?
Baby remember when you walked?
Shhh it'll be fine.
Here honey take this, you will sleep.
I'll be next, I'll not have long to weep,


It used to be shell shocked
Then it was mental breakdown
Now it is the post traumatic syndrome game
whites, red necks, Caucasians
blacks, colored, African Americans
ladies now feminists fiddle with hyphens in their name
It used to be 'we'

It used to be war
named after conquerors or numbered like WW II
Count the syllables in our war today, it won't be a few.
It used to be slain
then it was casualties
now it is collateral damage
It used to be A-Bomb
Now here's the exception
its a device, how nice, that we can manage
Stay in line
You're OK if you are a REAL American
Now when asked to swallow propaganda you are to be "responsible and true"
In simpler times
there were phrases that said it all
Now we need a verbal * that will replace ALL the acceptable gender neutral non threatening politically correct phrases.
* your small pox, * your crusade, * your slogans, * you.

if there is a gun
you try to ignore
in act 2, it will
go off in act 4

We watched the Bond films
multi billionaires
took over the world
but there were errors
Somehow Bond lives on
The bomb countdown ends
Its life he defends
Have 'THEY' succeeded?
Has Bond in real life failed?
We all watched the films
I think we're all nailed

American Civil War
It's about the Union
and later the slaves
Nationalism gone beserk
Another religious crusade
Korean War
Come out with your hands up
Go back with your hands up
Viet Nam
Ten Hut
Balkan War
An imposed time out
on another religious crusade
Gulf War
To contain a dictator
Go back to Go we'll collect your $200

America's New Improved War
Against terrorism...for Freedom
Another oiligious crusade