The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86374   Message #1606864
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
16-Nov-05 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chemical Weapons in Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Chemical Weapons in Iraq
The whole concept of WMD is stupid as far as I'm concerned. If saddam used WP the US would have called it a WMD. US has nukes but they are not WMD...

It's all a game of rules set by the us who as accuratley noted by Peter T:

The United States is not a signatory to the convention outlawing the use of these, so of course technically they are not in the breach of anything, sort of like George W. saying that technically America doesn't torture. Technically speaking, America also upholds human rights and all good things. Technically

Techincally if the US and it's minions like the UK want to call something whatever, the dictionary is thiers to do so.