The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1606910
Posted By: Azizi
16-Nov-05 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
4,000 people are still declared missing in New Orleans.

This story is just heartbreaking.

See this excerpt from a dailykos diary by clammyc
Wed Nov 16, 2005 at 10:55:19 AM PDT

"How quickly two months go by.

Yet, that is how long it has been since Katrina hit, and it has been 6 weeks since the search for bodies in the 9th Ward was halted. And lest we think otherwise, it was known at the time that there were still bodies that were not recovered.

And now we hear that since families are just starting to come back to the Ninth Ward to see the destruction, collect what they can of their belongings, or even check on the houses of families or loved ones, gruesome discoveries are being made...

and per Anderson Cooper yesterday...

'Well, the death toll keeps rising.

You know, it's hard to imagine anything worse than coming back to your home in New Orleans and finding it completely destroyed. But, tonight, as you're about to hear, there is something worse, much worse. Dozens of families have returned to what is left of their homes and found, lying amidst the mold and the wreckage, a body, forgotten, abandoned. Maybe it's their mother or their grandmother, sometimes even their missing child.

The state called off searching house to house in New Orleans well over a month ago. They said they completed the job. Clearly, they have not. In tonight's "Keeping Them Honest," our daily segment devoted to New Orleans and the still devastated Gulf Coast, we try to find out who is to blame...'"


Read the entire diary and comments at
Bodies of loved ones found in NOLA

One things for sure-this is not the America we were raised to believe in.

The American dream may never has been real for many but this nightmare is absolutely outrageous.