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Thread #86379   Message #1607234
Posted By: GUEST,rarelamb
17-Nov-05 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Govt sponsored torture in Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Govt sponsored torture in Iraq

On the point that there is hypocrisy because we have had a few isolated cases of torture. I don't see the hypocrisy at all. If we say we are against torture and we act from top to bottom in a fashion that is consistent with this stance then I don't see where there is hypocrisy. What you and so many others have argued rather poorly is the notion that the system that one creates must be 100% effective in order for there to be validity or morality.

It is absurd in the least to read some of these posts berating Iraqi government and US forces for actions that are either the actions of the terrorists or are isolated instances.

I guarantee you that there is more abuse going on in the millions of prisoners in the US than there is in the Iraqi prisons. I think a little perspective in order. What have the abuses been?   In a few prisons, some of the prisoners were mistreated. And now we get all of these posts and talking heads saying that the Iraq war was a mistake! Give me a break. People are getting hung up on such minor issues that they are losing the forest for the trees.

And yes there is a reason for torture. I have posted before that the use of torture can and should be used as a deterrent to those who use torture on our people. I know from the half century of the cold war that the concept of 'deterence is alien to some of you but believe it or not it works. Bullys pick on the weak not the strong.

The posts here have been nothing but rehashing the same few cases of misconduct and have extrapolated it out to be a huge problem. It is irrational. I could use the same arguement and say, well in this one prison, all of the inmates are being held in the same manner as a well run one in the US. Therefore by the logic of the arguements on this thread, all of the prisons must be well run. Puhleeze...

Don't make a mountain out of an ant hill...