The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86380   Message #1607298
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
17-Nov-05 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: British Soldiers at it again
Subject: RE: BS: British Soldiers at it again
How come when any 'dirt' is dished on the IRA or it's supporters we get hoards of peole jumping up and down with rage, the words 'prove it' foaming on their lips? I point you to the threads about the 'worst ever robbery' and the Manchester 'businesman' as prime examples. Whenever there is any 'dirt' to be found on the British Army those same people are quite happy to speculate, without proof, that the entire force is corrupt and in collusion with loyalist gangs or worse?

Whenever the evidence looks like it points to the Republican there are shouts that it must have been British collusion and deceipt. Whenever the evidence points towards the British security forces it must be true. I cannot however understand how one side can be so pure and good while the other is completely evil. It does smack somewhat of both hypocracy and naivety.

Before anyone replies I must point out that I believe that the Irish have indeed had a very rough deal from the British government. I support the cause of the Republican wholeheartely and even, to an extent, can understand how such injustice caused the mind set that resulted in the bombing of civilians. I just cannot follow the reasoning that seems to apply here:-(
