The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86411   Message #1607921
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
18-Nov-05 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: Need help identifying a fiddle tune
Subject: RE: Need help identifying a fiddle tune
Well, it certainly isn't remotely like Denis Murphey's! Where can we hear Silverton for comparison?

Yes, Cazden recorded the Waldens; but not in 1941. Dave Ruch could have helped by telling us everything he knew at the start (or answering my questions), instead of gradually leaking out the information. There is a technique to asking questions in forums like this, and telling us everything you already know may prevent people wandering up blind alleys or wasting time on mere speculation.

We are all here because we want to help. Do, please, do your best to help us to help you.