The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86490   Message #1608822
Posted By: The Shambles
19-Nov-05 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Racial No-nos
Subject: RE: BS: Racial No-nos

Azizi from the above thread.
Also, since I mentioned my dislike of banjo music, as a means of showing respect to my ancestors, may I also take this opportunity to post that the banjo is an instrument that comes from Africa.

I think that listing one's personal dislikes is one thing – dressing them up as being anything other than this or as representing some form of consensus and calling them a racial no no – is perhaps something else. I also find the idea that you show any positive respect to anyone (alive or dead) by taking a negitive action like taking a dislike to any form of music - a rather worrying one.

Many fine things - other than banjos - come originally from Africa. Because they may be stolen away and badly abused does not make them (or any music they may produce) any less fine.

Words may fall out of use - and for all our sakes let us hope that some words like 'slavery' will do this quickly along with the terrible practice it describes and along with other words associated with it - but words like these will never be un-invented. And that is perhaps just as well...........