The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86374   Message #1608852
Posted By: beardedbruce
19-Nov-05 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chemical Weapons in Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Chemical Weapons in Iraq

" dont mean to be insulting, by calling you "nitwit", "

It seemed like it to me.

"its just that I dont think you're being sincere in supporting Teribus in every single opinion that he holds."

I DO NOT- JUST the ones I agree with. Try READING my posts, and looking at what I do NOT support.

"I used to respect your views...When they were your own views ."

The views I state are my own, based on what I can find out. I do not claim to always be correct, as some here- IF you show me EVIDENCE I will consider it in relation to the evidence I have found on my own. Can YOU say the same?

"No one can be right all of the time ....even George Bush....Ake "

In this we can agree entirely. There are a number of points I disagree with the Bush administration- BUT that does not mean I will accept lies and unbased statements JUST BECAUSE they may support what I want to believe.

Bush was WRONG about not taking action in Dufar, the POST_WAR stratagy in Iraq, and quite a bit else- I just think the reasons for GOING to war were valid. Once the anti-war folks gave Saddam the idea that he did not need to comply, the war became inevitable.


You state as fact: "many civilians sufferred as a result. The citizens of Fallujah probably don't give a damn how it was classified. It still burned them to the bone regardless of what you call it. " Please provide SOME evidence of this, besides your immagination and a need to critisize the US.


What about Canadian weapons exporting? What about the attack on the soul of the US population by your sending (a) certain actor to boldly go where no man has gone before?