The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1608866
Posted By: GUEST,A
19-Nov-05 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
I promised myself I would not respond to the feeble, unrealistic attempts to blame the Feds for the mess in New Orleans.
There was never a question concerning the Feds response. They were caught up in the lack of effort by the "first responders", local and LA state government, and had to organize a method from a thousand miles away on how to take care of a situation that they are normally not responsible for.

Two quotes from the opening post by Rep. Christopher Shays;

1. "when did you contact the President to say we have a catastophe happening with an incompetent Mayor and an incompetent Governor not responding....?"

2. ".......the mayor and the governor were not interacting with each other. And you basically had - even then, you wanted them to evacuate, right, on Friday?"

Bingo, my Ass!!!!!!! Even a member of the Congressional hearing acknowledged the fact that the Mayor and the Governor were incompetent boobs.

I am not going to ask for further facts because there are none. Were you aware that the President had to ask for the Governor to be removed from press conferences several times in the first couple days following the storms' passing? Here in the safe confines of my midwest estate, I had no reason to hear from the Governor while people were drowning in their homes