The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86490   Message #1609152
Posted By: The Shambles
19-Nov-05 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Racial No-nos
Subject: RE: BS: Racial No-nos
I have no wish to offend anyone, either intentionally or otherwise but I also don't want to be made to feel guilty for little reason or to watch others posting here made to feel that they possibly have something to apolgise for. If I did intentionally wish to offend anyone - they would always be aware of this intent.

For were I - by something I may have said - unintentionally cause offence to someone who seriously considered that disliking banjo music was a duty to their ancestors - no matter how much I may respect them or their ancestors - I probably would not worry too much about causing them offence......

For I probably would consider their's to be an over-sensitive reaction and a personal problem for them to come to terms with. I may also consider that they could be guilty of milking a situation and of risking the creation of needless division on racial grounds by seeming to be approaching almost every issue from a racial aspect at the slightest excuse. Something that if done consistently by someone from a different racial grouping may no doubt lead to accusations of racism?

Are the things listed here so far as racial no nos - comming as any real surprise to anyone posting here? If they are - perhaps those people have been living a rather sheltered exsistence or are lacking in any form of common sense or imagination? For this is hardly rocket science - is it?