The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86490   Message #1609485
Posted By: *daylia*
20-Nov-05 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Racial No-nos
Subject: RE: BS: Racial No-nos
I never heard the word "farmer" used instead of 'tiger' in this rhyme.

Azizi, I like 'tiger' best of all.   :-D    May have heard it that way once or twice, but I didn't know the rhyme is of African origin. Thanks!

And yes, of course, using the term "farmer" with no use of the offense "N-word" is better. Wouldn't you think so?

Yes. And on the other hand, I just realized why the use of the word 'farmer'in that rhyme IS 'bigoted' (intended to slight/ridicule/harm a particular social group).

I learned that rhyme from my mother; she learned it where she was born and raised, in and around Edmonton Alberta. In the heart of ranch country, on the prairies of Western Canada.

In this cultural context, the substitution of "farmer" in the rhyme reveals certain urban/rural class divisions; social tension between the wealthy, educated, politically powerful urban classes and the rest of the prairie population (mostly poorer, "uneducated" farmers).

I do think that 'black' being used always as a negative is hurtful. I think that the rhyme "Sticks & stones may break my bones/but names will never hurt me" isn't true. Words do hurt.

Yes they do, and healing the damage (real or perceived) can be far more difficult, take much longer than healing a physical injury.

Thanks for the info, insights and food for thought, Azizi.