The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #161116
Posted By: InOBU
11-Jan-00 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Actually, Bert, the song is rather gentle, however, one of the band members who quit over it said she did not feel comfortable doing the song unless she knew the other side of the story! The other side of a skinhead gang murdering a mother of four!?!?!?! Well...,
about 3 am a few nights later I sat up in bed and said, she is right, I should tell the other side,
so here it is a more angry song, and a bit louder...


The total moral vacuum of the post collective state
has released all my hate.
Look here you bloody Gypsy girl,
Get out of my bloody way
Or I'm telling you the bloody truth
there will be murder done today.

Look at me standing here, in my black leather rage
my tattoos and my swastikas, a symbol of this age
I'm the fire at the end of
your victorious cold war
I what the right wing and the liberals
were really fighting for.

My gaze upon a brown skin girl upon the footpath falls,
here in the Czech republic,
where we're building Ghetto walls
My mates and I surround her,
within our iron ring
Into the rivers waters,
this helpless girl we fling.

Why is there a trial now,
don't you all understand,
this girl we killed had brown skin,
in this white skinned land.
Her life was a pollution, a stain upon our streets,
we cleared away a bit of trash, society mistreats

I've served my six months sentence,
I m feeling bloody fine
I'm a symbol to the foreigners,
to stay in bloody line,
The world condones my viciousness
when it looks the other way,
Don't wring your hands you bleeding hearts,
you handed me my day,

Remember in your apathy, we killed Gypsy gay and Jew
Trade Unionists and Socialists, just to name a few
And while you turn your head away
from others people's pain,
I giving you the twice look o'er
I might give you the same...

the tune is a nineteenth-century boxing song...
all the best all
Larry PS my new litmus test for band members is the ballad of Amadou Diallo! (also written by your old pal... InOBU - Larry)